Afghanistan (South Australian Chronicle 1892)

LONDON, September 4.

The Latest intelligence from Afghanistan states that Hashim Ali, who has been prominently implicated in the Hazara insurrection, is offering to surrender to the Ameer.

The Proposal of the Indian Government to send a special mission to Cabul to remove existing causes of contention with the Ameer is condemned by the Indian press, on the ground that in the present state of feeling among his more fanatical subjects there is a danger that the same fate will overtake the mission as befell that of Sir Louis Cavagnari, massacred at Cabul on August 13, 1879. The danger, it is considered, will be increased if the mission be headed by Lord Roberts, of Candahar, against whom a special enimity is harbored in Afghanistan.

The Indian authorities have determined to put an end to the hostilities directed by the Ameer against the Turis of Kuram Vallery, one of the independent territories lying between Afghanistan and the Indian frontier, while preventing a repetition of the raids by the Turis into Afghan territory. With this purpose in view a British force has been dispacted occupy Kuram Vallery.


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