The Troubles in Central Asia (Sydney Mail 1892)

The Troubles in Central Asia.

The whole of the tribesmen of the Hazara on the Afghan border have resumed the rebellion which was laterly said to have been pacified.

JULY 17.
It is reported that a part of Cossacks crossed the Afghan frontier and occupied a town.

The Czar reproved the commnader of the Cossacks for having committed a breach of military discipline, but decorated him for bravery.

It is reported that another Russian expedition, under Captain Ianoff, has started for the Pamirs, in Central Asia.

July 19.
The Ameer of Afghanistan is raising 70,000 troops to suppress the Hazaras. In the event of the Ameer being defeated, a general revolt of the whole country is expected. The Ameer refuses to accept the interferencee of Lord Lansdowne, Viceroy of India, alleging that he has the right to quell the rebellion.



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